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Using your workspace

You access your workspace via the web, once you’ve been assigned an appropriate role. You will need to sign in with two-factor authentication, but you can access the workspace from anywhere, you do not have to be on the Barts Health VPN.

A workspace consists of several workspace services, which are specific to the workspace, plus they can also access shared services, which are shared by all the workspaces in the SDE. A Workspace Owner can create workspace services, and can manage all the resources in their own workspaces, regardless of who created them, but cannot manipulate the shared services. A Workspace Researcher can also create and use certain resources, but can only delete or modify resources they have created themselves.

Getting access to the SDE

As of December 2024, the MVP release of the SDE is now available, and will be the default mode of providing data and compute resources to projects approved through the DAC. If you have been given access to it, you can log in at, using your credentials. These credentials will either be:

Resource hierarchy: SDE, Workspace, User

Within the SDE, resources for a project are grouped into a Workspace, which has workspace-level resources. These workspace-level resources may also have user-level resources. The terms project and workspace both refer to the same thing as far as the SDE is concerned. From within a workspace, you will not have access to any other workspaces or their resources - this is a key feature of the SDE architecture. If you have multiple workspaces available to you, by way of being on multiple projects at the same time, their will be no direct connectivity between them.

Some examples of workspace services:

At the SDE level, the most important shared services are:

There are other services available, and new services can be created by building templates for them. If you have a need for a service that’s not currently represented, contact us.

Accessing a workspace

When you log into the SDE, your initial view will look something like this. There will be a separate workspace for each project you have access to. In this example, there’s only one project. Empty workspace

Click on the workspace to get the Workspace Overview page. There are other tabs there you can explore, to get more information about your workspace. They’re not normally useful during operation, but if you file a bug report or an issue, a screenshot from the Operations tab is often helpful. Workspace overview

The workspace currently has no services in it. Workspace Owners can use the Create new button on the right to bring up a menu of resources to choose from, then fill in the form with a few parameters, and submit the form. Your workspace resources will then appear here, as you can see in the next screenshot. Here, we see a Gitea service, which is still deploying, and a Guacamole service, which is ready for use.

People with the Workspace Researcher role will not be able to create workspace services, for them, the Create button is greyed out.

N.B. We don’t show the full process for deploying Gitea or Guacamole, since we will do that for you as part of the setup of your workspace. In any case, the process is very similar to that for creating a virtual machine, which is explained in detail below. Workspace with services

Creating a Virtual Machine

Virtual machines are created via the Guacamole workspace service. From your workspace overview, click on the Guacamole service tile, which takes you to the screen below. Any existing VMs that you have access to will also be listed here, there are none at the moment. Virtual desktop service

Click the Create new button, then select an operating system, Windows or Linux. Choose a VM type

The next form is practically identical for Windows or Linux machines, only the dropdown options vary. Fill in the obligatory name and description, select an image (which specifies which types of software the machine will have, what version of the operating system it runs etc), and a size, which specifies the number of CPUs and amount of memory.

You cannot, at this time, specify the size of the disk for the virtual machine. That may be added as a feature later on, let us know if you need that capability. However, you would be better to use the shared storage instead if you can.

There are a range of options for VM sizes, from 2 CPUs with 4 GB RAM up to machines with 36 CPUs, 880 GB RAM, and an A10 GPU. We can add more sizes if you need them, let us know.

Leave the Shared storage button selected. This means your VM will have access to storage that exists at the workspace-level, so will persist if you delete your VM. If you only use the VM disk, you may run out of space, and you will lose everything on it when the VM is destroyed. There’s more info on that in the [[Working with data]] page. Fill in the parameters

Click the Submit button, and after a few seconds, you see something like the next screenshot. You can either click the Go to resource button, or just click directly on the VM tile in the Resources section, to follow the progress of the deployment.

The deployment progresses through several stages:

Other states exist, such as failed, or updating, hopefully you won’t see those. VM is being created

The Operations tab shows you detail of the deployment steps. The overall progress of the deployment is visible in the top-right in this view. Other buttons are greyed out at this point, and will remain so until the deployment finishes. This typically takes 5-10 minutes, but can take longer sometimes.

Follow VM creation process

VM is there

Now the VM is fully deployed, it’s shown as running in the title, and the Update, Delete and Actions buttons are now active. In the Actions menu, there are three options:

You will be charged for your VM all the time it is running. If you know you won’t need it for a while (e.g. overnight, weekends, or holidays), it makes sense to Stop it when you don’t need it, and Start it again to save your project budget. We have recently adding functionality to auto-shutdown machines which are idle for an hour, so you don’t have to remember this for yourself, but it’s still useful to know.

VM action buttons

Once the VM is fully booted, the Guacamole page will look like this. The VM is shown, with a Connect button, which will launch a new browser window connected to your VM. Nota Bene: The Connect button appears immediately the operating system has indicated the machine is up, but it can still take a few minutes doing post-boot configuration, so you may not be able to connect to it immediately. If you still can’t connect after 10 minutes ot trying, file a support ticket

Guacamole with booted VM

Clicking the Connect button takes you to your virtual desktop. In this case, it’s Ubuntu. You can hover over the icons for help on each.

Ubuntu Desktop

Clicking the Terminal icon brings up a terminal window. When you’re finished with your session, just close the browser tab. Reconnecting later will bring it back in the same state.

Ubuntu Desktop with terminal

Working with Linux VMs

More details about workspaces

Keeping VMs up to date

You should make sure you update the OS and software on your VMs regularly. Even though they’re contained within a firewall, it’s good practice to make sure you’re not running old software. For this reason, we’ll be updating the VM templates regularly, and you can take advantage of that by simply deleting your VM and creating a new one. We’ll announce new VM template releases by email, probably quarterly.

If you find that you need to put a lot of effort into customising an image before you can use it, let us know, we may be able to do this for you, and build it into future image versions.

Considerations for workspace managers

Cost efficiency

Workspace Admins are responsible for managing the cost of their workspaces. Projects are expected to pay for their consumption of Azure resources, which is separate from the one-time setup fees for a project in the Barts Health Data Platform. In fact, the last entry in the table on that page is what we’re talking about here.

There are basic, irreducible costs for the workspace to exist, amounting to about £3-5/day. Beyond that, each extra service or resource adds to the cost. In practice, VMs are the most expensive item, the shared-storage is much cheaper. Services like MySQL or AzureSQL which deploy specialised resources can also cost several pounds per day.

The cost of VMs varies from about £50/month for the smallest VM size to about £3500/month for the largest size with a GPU. That’s assuming it runs 24x7 for the whole month. If it’s shut down (Stopped) when not in use, it doesn’t cost you anything for that time. So even just using it 40 hours per week already reduces the cost by two thirds. You can also keep costs down by developing your code on the shared storage using a small machine, then only booting up a larger machine if/when you need the extra horsepower for an analysis, having tested first on a smaller subset in the smaller VM.

Windows VMs cost slightly more than Linux VMs too, because of the Windows licence.

You can see the cost of your resources on the tile for that resource, which shows the actual cost for that resource and any sub-resources for the current month - i.e. it restarts from zero at the beginning of every month.

Most resources, and workspaces themselves, can be ‘disabled’, to save costs. Services that are disabled are hibernated, to the extent possible for that service, to minimise expenditure. You will still be charged for any storage used by a service during hibernation, but not for compute etc. Storage is generally cheap, so its can be ignored for most purposes. However, there is one very important exception to this rule. Disabling a VM does not shut it down and it will still incur costs. To stop paying for a VM, you have to either delete it completely, or Stop it from the Actions menu.

We recommend that you monitor costs of your services in the first days of accessing your workspace, and decide which services to disable/re-enable based on your budget and convenience.

We can provide a daily email with a breakdown of costs for your workspace for the last 30 days. This allows you to track the expenditure and see what you’re spending it on. We will ask you who needs to receive these emails as part of the project setup process.