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Frequently Answered Questions


How do I get help?

The preferred channel is that you file a support ticket in our github account which is specially for this purpose. Please give as much information as you can, it will save us time having to ask you for it. For example:

Virtual Machines

What software is installed on the Virtual Machines?

We’re aiming for consistency between the flavours of Windows and Linux, so they should eventually (Easter 2025) have the same versions of everything installed on all OS flavours. We’re not quite there yet, but we’re close. The software we’re curating is:

How much will my VM cost?

VM prices vary considerably, depending on the number of CPUs and the amount of memory. The VM flavours we currently offer vary in price from about £60/month for a small Linux machine to over £4000/month for the largest GPU flavour running Windows, see the table for more details.

Machines with GPUs cost a lot more than machines with only normal CPUs. There are many other flavours of GPU available in Azure, we can add them to the SDE if you need them.

Windows VMs cost more than Linux VMs because of the Windows license. We try to maintain the same set of software on both platforms, so if you can use Linux, you may be able to save money too.

A VM only incurs cost while it’s running. If you Stop the VM, it will not cost you anything until you Start it again. So if you only use a VM during office hours, you can expect it to cost 1/3 of the price shown below.

Type name #CPUs RAM (GB) #GPUs Linux (£/month) Windows (£/month)
Standard_D2s_v5 2 8 - 65 120
Standard_D4s_v5 4 16 - 130 240
Standard_D8s_v5 8 32 - 260 480
Standard_D16s_v5 16 64 - 520 950
Standard_D32s_v5 32 128 - 1000 1900
Standard_D64s_v5 64 256 - 2100 3800
Standard_NV6ads_A10_v5 6 55 1/6 x A10 330 490
Standard_NV12ads_A10_v5 12 110 1/3 x A10 670 990
Standard_NV18ads_A10_v5 18 220 1/2 x A10 1200 1700
Standard_NV36ads_A10_v5 36 440 1 x A10 2300 3300
Standard_NV36adms_A10_v5 36 880 1 x A10 3300 4300

What will the rest of my workspace cost?

Charges for Azure components in the SDE come down to one of three categories:

I can’t connect to my VM

Guacamole can be a bit flaky, and it sometimes takes a few goes to be able to connect to your VM. Here are a few things to try, in this order: